Tuesday, May 27, 2008




1)You should stay one meter away from other computers.

2) You should look around the room or look out the window every 20 minutes.

3) You should sit on a comfortable chair that supports your lower back and is adjustable.

4) You shouldn’t sit too close to the monitor.

5) You should position the keyboard same hight as your elbows.

Sunday, May 25, 2008


To: Basim
From: Nadra
Date: 21/5/2008

How are you? I’ve looked at some computers and I have some good advice for you.

I looked at three types of computers, which are iMac, Dell and HP. The iMac is the most expensive at 1,200 dollars. The Dell has the slowest CPU at 1.8 GHz. The HP has the biggest capacity of all. It has 360 GB of hard drive space. In addition, it has more RAM at 3GB, but the HP comes without a monitor.

For these reasons, you should buy an HP, but you must buy a monitor.


Sunday, May 18, 2008

Pa$$ive ... and ... Active (-__-)

Somebody cleans the house everyday.
The house is cleaned everyday.

Somebody $tole my phone last week.
My phone was $tolen last week.

The doctor treated Bas!m's neck.
Bas!m's neck was treated by the doctor.

Z!z! said that somebody had $tolen her purse.
Z!z! said that her purse had been $tolen.

I had to take my computer to repair it.
My computer had to be taken to be repaired.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

comparatives and superlatives.......

1. Laptops are more convenient than desktops.
2. Flash memory is more expensive than a hard drive.
3. Laptops are more portable than desktops.

1. Minesweeper is the most interesting game on my computer.
2. Computers are the most useful thing in my life.
3. Desktops are the most popular computers.

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Five things computer can do...

Computer technology is improving our life in many different ways.The computer is helping people to connect easly with their families that are living at diffirent countries.

Also, you can use it in the bank for transfer the money and saving all private information for customers. In addition, it's very useful at hospitals. So, doctors can save their reports about all patients and any doctor can look at it to give better treatment.